
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

What Foods Will Increase Stamina?

What Foods Will Increase Stamina?

Stamina is defined as a measure of sustained capability, like in sports or daily activities. Having stamina is like having prolonged energy. Foods provide the body with energy, but some foods have additional nutrients that are beneficial for those times when you want to push your body to the next level.


    The Natural Home Remedies website states that adding peanuts to your weekly diet will boost stamina and energy. Peanuts are a rich source of protein, which is essential for maintaining muscle tissues. In addition, these healthy snacks are loaded with good fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats reduce inflammation, which improves heart and brain health. You can snack on plain peanuts or add them to dishes like chicken or salads. Organic natural peanuts and peanut butter is available at your local health food store.

Beetroot Juice

    Science Daily News reported on a study conducted at the University of Exeter and Peninsula Medical School that revealed that beetroot juice increases stamina. Beets are red root vegetables that are high in vitamins A and C and other minerals. The research showed that participants had lower blood pressure and more stamina when exercising after drinking beetroot juice. The reason for the increase of stamina is thought to be from an increase in oxygen uptake, which makes exercise less tiring.


    The Natural Cures and Remedies website states that spirulina can increase stamina and reduce allergies. Spirulina is a blue green algae that contains high levels of antioxidants, iron and minerals. The reason why spirulina helps improve energy levels is because it also contains high-quality protein that is easy for the body to assimilate. This sea vegetable also contains omega-3 fats and b-vitamins. B-vitamins are vital because they improve nervous system health, which is also vital for optimal energy.

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