
Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Best Peptic Ulcer Diets

What and how you eat can aggravate an ulcer. These sores are affected by levels of acidity in the stomach. It's a good idea to choose foods that won't cause an excess of acid production or those that will help neutralize the stomach acid. Also remember to eat slowly and space out meals through the day to keep stomach acids stable. Avoid foods and beverages that upset your stomach.

About ulcers

    Ulcers are sores that appear on the digestive tract, which includes the esophagus, the stomach and the first part of the intestines called the duodenum. Peptic ulcers are found in the stomach.
    Ulcers may be caused by the bacteria, Heliobacter pylori, or by excess acid in the stomach. They can also be caused by anti-inflammaotry medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. While ulcers are often attributed to stress, it is not a common cause, though ulcers can be aggravated by stress.


    Symptoms of ulcers include feeling better when you eat or drink, then feeling worse an hour to two later. This would indicate a duodenal ulcer. Feeling worse when you eat or drink would indicate a stomach ulcer. Other symptoms are stomach pains, feeling full quickly, vomiting, weight loss and a heavy feeling, bloating or burning in the stomach.


    While what you eat can affect the ulcer, how you eat is also important. Always eat small meals and snacks spaced evenly during the day. Don't overeat or go without food for hours. Eat slowly and chew well. Sit up while eating and for an hour afterward. Don't eat within three hours of bedtime to avoid nighttime acid secretions.
    Cut back on caffeinated foods and drinks, such as coffee and chocolate. Eat fewer citrus fruits and tomatoes if they upset your stomach. Always eat a good protein source at meals and snacks.
    Avoid alcohol. Don't drink whole milk to calm the ulcer. It will help at first, but it causes more acid production. Almond milk and goat milk are better choices and if when you drink regular milk, make sure it is low-fat or skim.
    Foods that have been found to be good for ulcers include bananas. The fruit neutralizes acidity in the stomach and coats the stomach lining.
    Lime is another food that can help with digestion. Add a few drops of lime juice to water. Cabbage and cabbage juice are also good for calming ulcers.
    Whole grain breads, low-fat yogurts and cottage cheese should be incorporated into the diet. Choose less heavy gravies and sauces and avoid spicy foods if it upsets the stomach. Avoid pickles. Also avoid strongly flavored seasons, including garlic, barbecue sauce, peppers, horseradish and chili sauce.
    Good snacks include sherbet, gelatin, pretzels, graham crackers and angel food cake. Avoid chips, fried potatoes, buttered popcorn and all sweets that contain nuts, coconut or fruit.

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