
Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Tips on Losing Fat Around Your Chin

Want to lose that double chin without surgery? Chances are, if you have fat around your chin, you are carrying excess fat all over your body. By losing a portion of your body's fat percentage, you will also lose a portion, if not all, of your chin fat. And while liposuction and other surgical procedures will remove fat from the chin and facial areas, it is an expensive and invasive option--one unattainable for many. How can you do it? Make a few lifestyle changes, and you may be surprised.

Diet to Lose Weight All Over

    By following a diet lower in fat and calories, you will almost surely lose weight. This weight loss will be all over your body, including the facial and chin areas. Overall fat loss promotes fat loss from some of the "softer" areas of the body where fat likes to hide out, such as your chin, under your arms and the backs of your thighs.

Exercises to Tighten Facial Muscles

    Contrary to some experts, you can exercise and tone the muscles in your chin. One common exercise is to place a hand over your forehead, and then using your head and neck, press hard against your hand. You should feel a tightening in your chin. Repeat 10 times.

    Another way to tone this area is to tilt your head back very slightly, then push your bottom lip out as far as you can, until it overlaps your top lip. Hold for about 5 seconds and release. Repeat up to 20 times.

    Additionally, by incorporating an exercise regimen into your life that includes both cardio and strength-training activities, you build lean muscle. Muscle increases your body's natural ability to burn fat in all areas.

Drink More Water, Lose More Weight

    It's true. By drinking up to 80 ounces of water per day, you are helping your body eliminate harmful toxins, and you are also helping shed excess fluids. It seems almost counterintuitive, but drinking lots of water every day promotes tighter skin and less fluid retention. Since added fat around the chin can be caused by excess fluids, drinking more water can only help. Also, try to limit sodium intake to less than 2,000 mg per day, as too much salt also can cause fluid retention.

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