
Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

How to Lose Weight Fast for Teens

Lots of teens worry about how they look. There is a lot of pressure on teens today to look fit and healthy, so there's not much time to resolve weight problems when a teen is ready to lose the pounds. Fast weight loss is a matter of mind over matter; those who set their minds to losing weight and becoming healthier at a quick pace can accomplish their goal. There are a number of plans out there for teens to lose weight fast.



    Make a plan. Most teens who want to lose weight do so with a combination of diet and exercise. Losing weight is a simple matter of math. Burning more calories than you take in causes you to lose weight. One plan to lose weight fast is to lower the daily caloric intake to about 1,500 calories while doing cardiovascular exercises such as jogging or walking for an hour each day. Another plan focuses less on exercise and more on proper nutrition. This includes walking for only 20 minutes each day and eating foods totaling about 1,500 calories. Consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and include proteins like egg whites or 3 ounces of red meat each day. If your body is used to eating a diet rich in heavy starches, fast food and sugar, eating all natural foods and foods high in proteins will provide you with a quick way to drop pounds.


    Get at least 1 hour of exercise every day, even if it is just taking a long walk. If your school has a weight room, go there after school and work out. Take up a sport if you wish. This is one of the most important factors in weight loss. If you would like to exercise at home, plan your routine. This should include crunches, jogging in place and push-ups. Focus on the areas you want to be slimmer such as the stomach, hips or buttocks. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. Teens typically have a lot of energy, so exercising a great deal isn't really as difficult as it is for adults.


    Eat healthful foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. Consume a healthful lunch at school, such as salads, apples and oranges. Avoid fatty foods such as French fries and pizza. If your school does not offer healthful food, bring your own lunch. To lose weight quickly, limit carbohydrates, like breads and pasta. Limiting your food intake to fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins can give you the energy you need to lose weight without all the bad stuff you don't need during this quick weight loss plan.


    Bring a healthful drink with you to school. This might be juice, lowfat milk, vitamin water or plain water. Do not drink soda or other sugary drinks, as this will inhibit your weight loss. If you wish, bring a health or weight loss drink to help you.


    Plan when you will weigh yourself and weigh yourself regularly. If you are combining cardio exercise with a lower calorie diet, you will begin to lose weight immediately. Don't let the scale be your only guide during your fast weight loss plan, however. Sometimes you gain muscle weight when you exercise.

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