
Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

How to Get a Six Pack

Do you have the discipline for abs? Many people who work out regularly and try to eat healthy still have trouble keeping the fat off that middle area. If you are one of them, don't feel too bad. Six packs are hard to keep, even for body and fitness professionals. Read on to learn how to get and keep the much coveted six pack abs.



    Change your diet. A huge part of getting a six pack is what you eat. Foods to cut out altogether: Sugar, alcohol, fast food, pasta, full fat dairy and most breads and pasta. Don't get discouraged, once you start eating healthy foods such as lean protein, whole grain carbs and fruits and vegetables, you will feel more energized and the cravings for these unhealthy foods will almost disappear. Almost. Cheating every once in a while won't hurt you, as long as you only cheat for one meal or snack once a week.


    Step up your cardio. To lose that excess jiggle around your middle, you will need to do cardio at least three or four times a week. Most people don't like doing cardio because it gets boring. Mix it up by doing different things. Also remember that weight lifting can be cardio. Do circuit training to keep up your heart rate. This will burn calories just as fast, and sometimes more effectively, than just running on a treadmill.


    Work your abs at least every other day to see phenomenal results and watch your abs pop. Some great ab exercises include the many variations of the crunch. There is the classic crunch, the reverse crunch, the crunch on an exercise ball, the crunch on a decline bench, double crunch, the oblique crunch...the list goes on and on. Rotate these crunch workouts each time you do abs and the muscles will never get bored. There are other great workouts for your abs in which you can do right from home and require no equipment. The plank is a great ab workout because it works your entire core and upper body. The heel press, the twisting or "bicycle" crunch, or the "frog" crunch. If you haven't guessed by now, the crunch is the way to six pack abs!


    Stock your cupboards with these items to melt away belly fat. Abs are all about diet and exercise. You can't have one without the other. Some great foods to ensure ripped abs include: oatmeal, coffee (no sugar and with skim milk), chili peppers, almonds, cinnamon, and plenty of water. Oatmeal fills you up without adding calories. Not only oatmeal, but any high fiber food will keep you full without feeling bloated. Coffee will increase your calorie-burning and increase your metabolism. Chili peppers, black peppers, cayenne peppers...any food that causes you to sweat will give you a boost of calorie burning. Eat almonds in between meals to stop cravings. Having a little healthy fat before a meal will help you to eat in moderation. The same goes with cinnamon. Drinking plenty of water will give you energy and also gets things moving so you don't feel bloated.

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