
Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

How to Get 6 Pack Abs in 30 Days

How to Get 6 Pack Abs in 30 Days

Being physically fit is one of the most popular goals that an individual sets for himself. Being in shape is important to the overall health of an individual and extends beyond the physical. Getting in shape gives one a sense of accomplishment and helps produce healthy self-confidence. One important element of being physically fit is working on your abs. You can get a killer six pack going on in 30 days by following a strict workout schedule, and it only requires a few minutes each day and some dedication.



    Do medicine ball crunches. Fix your weight bench at a comfortable level of decline. Lay down on the weight bench with your upper body lying down on the declined part of the bench, holding a six-pound medicine ball against your stomach. Raise up into a crunch and pass the medicine ball to a partner who is counting for you. On your way back down, have the partner pass you the medicine ball back. You will want to do this 25 times for 2 sets.


    Do medicine ball twists. Sit up on your declined weight bench with your medicine ball against your stomach. Slightly lower yourself until you feel some tension in your abs. Twist from side to side, touching your elbows to either side of the bench. Make contact. Do this for a count of 10 seconds. Do 5 sets of these.


    Perform torso twists. Lower yourself back down the incline until you again feel some tension in your ab area. From this position, rotate your torso in a complete circle for a count of 10 seconds. Do 3 sets of these exercises.


    Do bicycle kicks. Roll out your exercise mat and lie down on the mat face up. Put your hand behind your head and pull yourself up into a crunch position. Now move your legs in a motion that is similar to riding a bicycle, making sure to bring your knees close to your chest. Make sure to do 3 sets of this exercise.


    Perform free weight exercises. Take two dumbbells of a weight that you comfortable with and let your arms hang straight down at your sides. Keeping your arms still at your sides, lean the top half of your body to the right. Turn back to the left. Do this 25 times. Do two sets of them.


    Repeat these exercises daily. Make sure you make the time to do these each day. Stick to the same scheduled time in order to see results.

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